End of Life

We decide to share our lives with pets knowing that their lifespans are generally shorter than ours. But most of us believe that the gifts of relationship and connection far outweigh the challenges. That knowledge, however, doesn’t make the journey toward the end-of-life easier.

Grief is the most difficult part of love. Though grief is a universal response to loss, working through sadness and heartbreak is a journey that is unique to each of us. And as we work through our own grief, we begin to understand that grief is a reflection of love, that loss may be transformational, and that only the love lasts forever.

We cannot give you a recipe through grief, nor can we make your sadness disappear. What we offer here is information and resources that may help you to navigate these difficult times.

Anticipatory Grief

Quality of Life

End of Life Decisions & Considerations

Grief Support and Resources