After Care Options

After care is the way in which the body is cared for after your beloved pet has died. We want you to
understand your choices for after care and be as comfortable as possible with the decision you make.
We encourage you to consider the options for after care listed below ahead of your need, so that your experience can be what you want and expect. We know that this is difficult to consider, but being prepared is the best way to avoid having to make decisions under pressure.

We recommend visiting websites and contacting organizations directly with any questions you may have, or for additional information.

We also recommend visiting facilities whenever possible. This allows you to see the facility and different
memorial options that are available. You may wish to take a tour. Also if you are considering delivering your pet’s body directly to a location, knowing your way before that day can eliminate confusion and added stress.


Home Burial - If you are interested in home burial, you will need to make sure it is allowed within your city or county. This is a choice that allows you to be fully involved in the aftercare and burial. Since the body will stay with the land, you will want to consider your feelings should you move or sell your home.

Cremation - Traditional fire cremation is a popular option for many people. You may choose to receive the ashes/cremains or not. Ashes can be scattered, kept, or used in the making of memorials and artwork. Options for fire cremation are shown below. There are varying costs and scheduling parameters for each option.

  • Witnessed Cremation – This allows you to be present for your pet’s cremation. And you will take the ashes home with you at that time.
  • Private – Your pet will be kept separate from other animals at all times during the cremation process. Ashes will be returned to you.
  • Communal Cremation – Your pet may be cremated alongside other pets.  And the ashes are not returned to you.

Aquamation - This is a water based bio-cremation process. The body is reduced to a mineral ash using alkalinity and heat. While relatively new, this is becoming a popular choice as it is considered to be a green option. Aquamation services offer both a private aquamation where ashes will be returned to you and a communal aquamation where the ashes are not returned.