Wellness Care Recommendations for Dogs
Comprehensive Physical Exam and Consultation
New Patients $118
Established Patients $89
The physical exam is the most important part of annual wellness care for pets. This process includes weighing your pet, assigning a Body Condition Score, pain scoring and completing a comprehensive 12 system exam. We will also address any behavior changes and discuss any issues you have noted since the last examination.
Vaccinations ($49.50 each)
Although some vaccines are not recommended annually, they are still an important part of wellness care to prevent disease. We tailor vaccine protocols to meet the individual needs of each patient based on their age, medical condition and lifestyle.
DAP: This core vaccination is recommended for all dogs including Distemper, Adenovirus (Hepatitis) and Parvo virus. We use a 3 year FDA approved vaccine.
Rabies: This core vaccination protects against a life threatening incurable disease that is transmissible to humans and it is legally required that all dogs stay current on this vaccine. In May 2008, a rabid bat was found in a home in SE Portland – so the risk for exposure is real. We use a 3-year vaccine.
Leptospirosis: This core vaccination protects against a bacterium that is spread through exposure to wildlife urine in water. The disease can be contracted by drinking, running through or exposure to infected water. This core vaccination is important because it is spread primarily in the rodent populations in urban areas, and it is zoonotic (contagious to humans).
Bordetella: This vaccination is recommended for all social dogs that attend doggie day care or dog parks, receive regular grooming, or are boarded. Bordetella is an oral vaccine and protects against one strain kennel cough. We also carry an injectable form for dogs that are averse to the oral administration.
Canine Influenza: Dog flu is a virus specific to dogs. This is a non-core vaccination that is recommended for all social dogs who attend doggie day care or dog parks, receive regular grooming or are boarded.
Annual Deworming ($55-$115)
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) and CAPC (Companion Animal Parasite Control Council) recommend annual deworming of all pets to protect people. We recommend annual deworming to protect pets and their people. We use a medication called Drontal Plus which treats roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms.
Intestinal Parasite Screening ($78-$99)
Annual fecal testing is recommended for all dogs to check for internal parasites, although we deworm annually it is important to know if parasites are present (for follow up treatment) and to ensure that your dog does not have Giardia or Coccidia, two parasites typical dewormers do not cover.
Annual Heartworm Testing ($98)
Heartworm is a preventable disease is caused by a parasite spread by mosquitoes. We, along with the American Heartworm Association, recommend heartworm testing dogs annually. We are very lucky to be in a non-endemic heartworm area but the disease has moved into Southern Oregon and there are more dogs diagnosed yearly with heartworm disease in our area that have never traveled to endemic regions. In 2007 there were a total of 11 dogs in Oregon that were heartworm positive. We also recommend that dogs on monthly preventative receive annual testing to complete the requirements for the guarantee on the preventative and to ensure that there have been no breaks in treatment leading to exposure.
Annual Blood Testing
- young adult – $155
- young adult with fecal testing – $205
- young adult with heartworm test – $245
- young adult with heartworm and fecal testing – $280
- mature adult – $299
- mature adult with heartworm and fecal testing – $399
Annual blood testing is recommended for all dogs to ensure that they are as healthy on the inside as they appear during their physical examination. For young adult dogs this blood testing is hopefully normal and serves as baseline testing. As dogs mature we can recognize changes in lab values that help us to intervene early for prevention rather than waiting for crisis treatment when they are ill from their condition.
Flea/Tick and Heartworm Prevention (price varies)
We recommend year round flea/tick and heartworm prevention for all dogs. We stock Simparica Trio, Sentinel, Credelio, and Bravecto. Our online pharmacy, Covetrus, has a wide variety of other effective preventatives.
Heartworm preventative should be given monthly with no breaks in treatment to prevent heartworm infection and the need for additional testing during the year.